Tuesday, February 14, 2006

2nd International Conference on Business, Management and Economics

2nd International Conference on Business, Management and Economics
June 15-18, 2006
Yasar University

Altinyunus Resort Hotel/Convention Center
Cesme, Izmir/Turkey

Transnational Corporations (TNCs)

I invite your paper proposals on:

*Transnational Corporations
*Management systems of TNCs
* Global Political Economy
* Social and economic implications of TNCs
*The relation between developing countries and TNCs

I am organizing paper sessions on these topics for the upcoming 2nd International Conference on Business, Management and Economics in Cesme, Turkey, June 15-18, 2006.

Please send your abstract to tugrulk@vt.edu no later than April 23. Full paper submission May 15.

The conference website: http://conference2006.yasar.edu.tr/

You are cordially invited to the 2nd International Conference on Business, Management and Economics, which is going to be held in Izmir, Turkey between 15-18 June 2006.

We are honored to announce that Nobel Prize Winner in Economic Sciences, distinguished professor Thomas C. Schelling is going to present a special keynote address at the Second International Conference on Business, Management and Economics.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Seventh Annual International Social Theory Consortium (ISTC) Conference

Theorizing Power in the post 9/11 World

May 18 – 21, 2006
The Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center
Roanoke, Virginia

Call for Papers

The Alliance of Social, Political, Ethical, and Cultural Thought (ASPECT) at Virginia Tech in partnership with the International Social Theory Consortium, (ISTC) will host the 7th Annual ISTC Conference May 18—21, 2006, in Roanoke, Virginia at The Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center.

The objective of this annual conference is to provide a forum for multidisciplinary dialogue between social theorists of all disciplines and occupations. The conference organizers invite paper and panel proposals from a variety of theoretical perspectives and intellectual traditions, and especially welcomes proposals that continue the Consortium’s dialogue among theorists working in the Global South and North. This conference also explicitly welcomes social activists engaged in transforming power relationships at various scales. As this year’s host, ASPECT is particularly interested in inviting panels that embrace in equal measure social, political, ethical and cultural theory in relationship to the conference theme.

Previous ISTC conferences have been hosted in Singapore, Toronto, Tampa, Dubrovnik, Sussex and Lexington, Kentucky.

Possible sub-themes to be addressed may include, but are not limited to the following.

1. New theorizations of power post 9/11
2. Classic theories of political, cultural, and social power
3. Geographical theorizations of power
4. Empire and its discontents
5. National and comparative perspectives on“race,” racialization, ethnicity and nativism
6. Cultural forms of neo-liberalism
7. Non-corporate and corporate models of globalization
8. Islam, Christianity and Judaism as forces for social justice
9. Technology, Science and Democracy
10. Analytic approaches to power and justice
11. Visualilty, media and representation
12. Memory and mourning
13. Theories and practices of civil society
14. Mediations of post 9/11 power: Race, Gender, Class
15. Militarism, war, and the disciplining of national bodies
16. Patriotism and class
17. Discourses on Inter-civilizational dialogues
18. Terror, torture, and human rights
19. Gender, sexuality and Critical Theory
20. Postcoloniality in an (ongoing) age of imperialism
21. Theorizing development and anti-development
22. Varieties of capitalism and anti-capitalisms
23. Global civil society and the ethics of place
24. Transnational social movements
25. Governance and governmentality
26. Radical, plural, and other varieties of democracy
27. Techno-nature
28. Health: Bio-ethics and bio-power
29. Demographies and cartographies of power
30. Immigration, citizenship and imagined national communities
31. Contemporary and historical perspectives on civic nationalism and patriotism
32. Constitutionalism and its institutions


Abstracts (between 150 and 200 words in length) for paper and panel
proposal should be submitted by February 15, 2006 to:

Professor Wolfgang Natter
E-MAIL: wnatter@vt.edu
Phone: 540.231.5342
FAX: 540-231-6078


7th ISTC Conference
531 Major Williams Hall (0130)
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061

For further inquiry, please contact:

Karen Jenkins
E-mail: karenjen@vt.edu
Telephone: 540-231-2839

All conference papers will receive consideration for inclusion in a publication containing the proceedings.


Conference registration will be open early February 2006.

*Further registration information and web links will be made on this web-site prior to February 8, 2006.

Organized by the ASPECT Program, with the generous support of the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, Virginia Tech