Dear all,
We have created the Sociology of Islam and Muslim Societies homepage at Portland State University and this has been transferred from Virginia Tech. You will find detailed information at the following web address: http://www.pdx.edu/sociologyofislam/
We have also updated our academic advisory and editorial board.
Academic Advisory Board:
Editorial Board:
We would like to post your Islam and Muslim Societies related syllabi on our website, if you would like to send them to us as a word document. You will see other syllabi in the syllabus section of the homepage. This homepage will also help our students to select Islam and Muslim Societies related courses.
Please also visit the new Religious Studies website at Portland State University:
Dr. Jennifer Schubert from the Religious Studies program is presenting the Religious Studies Program's first public event. You will find this lecture information on our website: http://www.pdx.edu/sociologyofislam/lectures
Peace and salaam to all,
Tugrul Keskin
Assistant Professor of International and Middle Eastern Studies
And Center for Turkish Studies
Portland State University
International Studies-INTL
East Hall 309
632 SW Hall Street
Portland, OR 97201 - USA
Office: 503-725-3495
Editor of Sociology of Islam and Muslim Societies
Book Editor of Societies Without Borders