Think Tanks, International and Non-Governmental Organizations
Instructor: Tugrul Keskin
Office: 333
East Hall
Google Phone: (202) 630-1025
(PLEASE include “Think-Tanks”
in the subject line when you email me)
Of the many influences on the US foreign
policy formulation, the role of think tanks is among the most important and
Richard N. Haass
Former Director of Policy and Planning - U.S. Department of State
Course Description and Objective:
In this course, we will examine the emergence and
development of think tanks and international and Non-Governmental Organizations
(NGOs) in comparative perspective. In the 19th and 20th
centuries, the concept of the modern state grew out of the growth of capitalism
and industrialization, and led to the creation of a complex bureaucracy and an
interconnected social, political and economic environment within the global
political arena. However, WWI and II
gave birth to a venue for negotiation between nation-states in the
international arena in order to prevent political conflicts; the creation of
the UN (The League of Nations).
Particularly after the 1929 economic crisis, and the move
from Keynesian capitalism to the neoliberal era in the second half of the 20th
century, we started to see the materialization of political institutions above
and beyond the state bureaucracy. The result was the creation of the World Bank
and IMF, because of the Washington Consensus. Over the next half-century, the
world economic community was dominated by the policies of these institutions.
In the 1950s, we also saw the birth of the European Union as a new political
actor within world politics. This led to the rise of regional economic,
political and cultural organizations competing with each other over economic
In addition, think tanks (semi-governmental institutions)
are other important economic and political actors within and between the modern
nation-state, which we will review in this class. The emergence of think tanks
or policy institutes dates back to the time of imperial Britain. These
institutions are affiliated with security studies at the beginning stages of
their emergence because they support the colonial dream of imperialism;
however, this has slightly changed with the establishment of American think
tanks and the rise of the US as a global power. Hence, the Carnegie Endowment
for International Peace (1910), Brookings Institute (1916), the Hoover
Institution (1919), The Century Foundation (1919), Council on Foreign Relations
(1921) and Rand Corporation (1946) were founded in the first half of the 20th
century. They were, and still are affiliated with the security establishment of
the US. However, these organizations started to play a more effective role
within domestic politics in the second half of the 20th century,
because of the rise of the neoliberal economy. Less Keynesianism in the modern
American Economy led to an increase in the power and number of these
policy-oriented institutions, and they expanded to the social and economic
field within the US. Therefore, the Heritage Foundation (1973) and Cato Institute (1974) were
established. However, the power of think tanks did not become apparent until
the first half of the 1980s. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, think-tank
politics began to dominate the American political landscape; from issues like drug policy to
immigration, foreign policy and health care. This power led to considerable
attention from American corporations. As a result of this trend, many more
think tanks were established, and some changed their structures to collaborate
with and meet the needs of corporations. Private funding has poured into these
policy institutions ever since, and the term, ‘inside the beltway politics,’ coined
in the 1980s and popularized in the 1990s, describes these circumstances.
Today, the power and role of think tanks cannot be ignored, and should be
studied academically from the standpoint of their origins; particularly their
domestic and now international political usage.
We will also study the emergence, development and role of Non-Governmental
Organizations such as the Committee to Protect Journalists, Doctors Without
Borders, Mercy Corps, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch; all fairly
new to the global social and political arena.
Learning Outcomes (Tugrul Keskin):
the end of the course, you will have enhanced your:
thinking in relation
to international studies
to question dogmas and taboos in today’s societies
of differing perspectives and diversity
of world issues and trends
of the impact of colonialism and imperialism in developing
You also will have increased your
knowledge concerning:
in your potential discipline
specific to your region
information sources
information sources
of relevant methodologies
Learning Outcomes (Shawn Smallman)
Core Learning Outcome: Students
will demonstrate an understanding of world cultures, politics, and economics,
within the context of globalization, as well as developing the skills and
attitudes to function as “global citizens.”
Specific Outcomes:
- Demonstrates knowledge of global issues, processes, trends and systems (i.e. economic and political interdependency among nations; environmental-cultural interaction; global governance bodies).
- Can articulate an understanding of her/his culture in global and comparative context; that is, recognizes that her/his culture is one of many diverse cultures and that alternate perceptions and behaviors may be based in cultural differences.
- Demonstrates an understanding of the meaning and practice of political, military, economic, and cultural hegemony within states and within the global system.
- Demonstrates an understanding of how her/his field is viewed and practiced in different international contexts.
- Uses diverse cultural perspectives and frames of reference, including those of the media, to think critically and solve problems.
- Uses information from other languages and other countries to extend their access to information and experiences.
- Interprets issues and situations from more than one cultural perspective.
- Can articulate differences among cultures; demonstrates tolerance for the diverse viewpoints that emerge from these differences.
- Demonstrates a critical understanding of the historical origins of the nation-state, and its current role in the global system.
- Can apply the key theoretical concepts in the field to interpret global issues.
- Exhibits an ongoing willingness to seek out international or intercultural opportunities.
1. Think Tanks: The Brain Trusts of US Foreign Policy By Kubilay
Yado Arin (2014).
Organizations: Politics, Law, Practice By Ian Hurd (2010).
3. NGOization Complicity, Contradictions and Prospects (Edited)
By Aziz Choudry and Dip Kapoor (2013)
Other Readings will be posted on the blackboard and you will
find them under the course documents.
1. Do Think Tanks Matter? Opportunities,
Constraints and Incentives for Think Tanks in Canada and the United States,
Global Society. Donald E. Abelson. (2000) 14:2, 213-236.
2. Behind Closed Doors: Elite Politics, Think-Tanks and
US Foreign Policy. Tugrul Keskin and Patrick Halpern. Insight Turkey April-June
2005 Volume 7 Number 2.
3. The Role of the Think Tanks in the US
Foreign Policy. U.S. Foreign Policy Agenda Volume 7 An Electronic Journal of
the U.S. Department of State Number 3.
4. Demanding Information: Think Tanks and the US Congress.
Anthony M. Bertelli and Jeffrey B. Wenger. British Journal of Political Science
/ Volume 39 / Issue 02 / April 2009, pp 225 – 242.
5. US Think Tanks and the Politics of Expertise: Role,
Value and Impact Mahmood Ahmad. The Political Quarterly, Vol. 79, No. 4,
October-December 2008.
6. A Challenge to Washington Think Tanks Murray
Weidenbaum. Challenge, vol. 52, no. 1, January/February 2009, pp. 87–96.
7. Why don’t the French do Think Tanks?: France faces up
to the Anglo-Saxon superpowers, 1918–1921 Andrew Williams. Review of
International Studies / Volume 34 / Issue 01 / January 2008, pp 53 – 68.
The Think Tanks
behind ‘Cameronism’ Hartwig Pautz. BJPIR: 2013 VOL 15, 362–377.
British think
tanks: advancing the intellectual debate? Philippa Sherrington. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol. 2,
No. 2, June 2000, pp. 256–263.
10. Players Beyond Borders? German Think Tanks as
Catalysts of Internationalisation. Martin Thunert (2000) Global Society, 14:2,
11. Think Tanks and Their Impact. Robert O'neill (2008) Asia-Pacific
Review, 15:2, 9-12.
Think Tanks in Transitional China. Xufeng Zhu and Lan Xue. public
administration and development Public Admin. Dev. 27, 452–464 (2007).
China’s Foreign Policy Think Tanks:
Changing Roles and Structural Conditions. Pascal Abb. GIGA Research Unit:
Institute of Asian Studies No 213 January.
Chinese Think Tanks, Policy Advice
and Global Governance. James G. McGann. Research Center for Chinese Politics
and Business-Indiana University, Bloomington. Working Paper #21 March 2012.
China's International Relations
Think Tanks: Evolving Structure and Process. David Shambaugh. The China
Quarterly, No. 171 (Sep., 2002), pp. 575-596.
16. The Role of China’s Think Tanks in Policymaking. July–August 2009.
17. Does Israel Need Think Tanks? by Hannah Elka Meyers
Middle East Quarterly Winter 2009, pp. 37-46.
18. The Israel Lobby John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt.
London Review of Books Vol. 28 No. 6 · 23 March 2006 pages 3-12.
19. Latin America’s Think Tanks: The Roots of Non-Profit
Privatization. Daniel C. Levy. Studies in Comparative International
Development. Summer 1995, Vol. 30, No. 2, 3-25.
20. Think Tanks. Peter T. Leeson, Matt E. Ryan, Claudia R.
Williamson. Journal of Comparative Economics 40 (2012) 62–77.
21. Think Tanks in the U.S. Media Andrew Rich, R. Kent
Weaver. The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, Volume 5, Number
4, Fall 2000, pp. 81-103.
22. The Ties That Used to Bind The Decay of American
Political Institutions. Francis Fukuyama. The American Interests - December 8,
23. Where Have All the Lobbyists Gone? Lee Fang. The
Nation. February 19, 2014.
Recommended Readings:
Think Tanks:
1. Do Think Tanks Matter?: Assessing the Impact of Public
Policy Institutes By Donald E. Abelson (2009)
2. A Capitol Idea: Think Tanks And US Foreign Policy By
Donald E. Abelson 2006.
3. NGOs in International Politics By Shamima Ahmed and
David Potter (2006).
4. Think Tanks, Public Policy,
and the Politics of Expertise by Andrew Rich (2005).
5. Think Tanks in America by Thomas Medvetz (2012 and
6. The Competition of Ideas: The World of the Washington
Think Tanks By Murray L. Weidenbaum
7. What Should Think Tanks Do?: A Strategic Guide to
Policy Impact By Andrew Selee (2013).
8. Global Think Tanks: Policy Networks and Governance B
James McGann and Richard Sabatini (2011)
9. Think Tank Traditions: Policy Analysis Across Nations
By Diane Stone and Andrew Denham (2004).
10. Capturing the Political Imagination: Think Tanks and
the Policy Process By Diane Stone (1996)
11. The Idea Brokers: Think Tanks And The Rise Of The New
Policy Elite By James A. Smith (1993)
12. How Institutions Think By Mary Douglas (Syracuse
University Press, 1986)
Non-Governmental Organizations:
1. The Third Force: The Rise of Transnational Civil
Society Ann M. Florini (2000).
2. Non-State Actors in World Politics Paperback By (Eds)
William Wallace and Daphne Josselin (2002).
3. The Marketing of Rebellion: Insurgents, Media, and
International Activism By Clifford Bob (2005).
4. Non-Governmental Organizations in World Politics: The
Construction of Global Governance By Peter Willetts (2010).
5. Civil Society: The Critical History of an Idea By John
R. Ehrenberg (1999).
6. Civil Society By Michael Edwards (2009).
7. The Nature of the Nonprofit Sector By J. Steven Ott
(Editor) and Lisa A. Dicke (2011).
International Organizations:
2. An Insider's Guide to the UN By Linda Fasulo (2009).
3. Basic Facts about the United Nations 2014 By United
Nations (2014).
4. International Organizations: The Politics and
Processes of Global Governance By Margaret P. Karns and Karen A. Mingst (2009).
5. Rules for the World: International Organizations in
Global Politics By Michael Barnett and Martha Finnemore (2004).
6. International Organizations By Kelly-Kate S. Pease
7. Unholy Trinity: The IMF, World Bank and WTO By Richard
Peet (2009).
Internet Websites:
Some Newspaper Articles:
Documentaries and Movies:
1. The
U.N. Deception
2. League
of Nations
3. Woodrow
Treaty Of Versailles Documentary
What Do Think Tanks Do? Session 1, 2, 3 and 4
"Think Tanks" Shaping US Policy -
US Research 'Think Tanks' Have Notable Policy Role
FUND Panel II The Role of Political Foundations and
Think Tanks
Course Philosophy:
The goal of this course is to
become familiar with think tanks, international and non-governmental
organizations in comparative perspective in the context of International
Studies. The success of this course depends on your continued and sustained
reading and participation. The course will be based on a four-dimensional
method of learning, and this includes inquiry and critical thinking;
communication; and will draw on the diversity of human experience; and ethics
and social responsibility. First, I would like you to critically analyze what
you learn in this class or have learned so far through the media and your
education, because in today’s world, truth is a relative concept. Throughout
human history, critical thinking is one of the most important factors that have
contributed to human development. In order to become active,
self-motivated, and empowered learners and future leaders, you will need to
have the ability to think critically, and therefore your criticism, feedback
and suggestions are necessary. Second, I would like for you to enhance your
writing and oral communication skills in this course. Therefore, it is important
to clearly elaborate your arguments in class discussion as well as in the
written assignments.
Third, we are each part of the
human mosaic, and all have different experiences based on our unique social,
political and economic differences. We can all learn from and respect each
other and benefit from our diversity. Please try to learn from and understand
those with different perspectives from your own. Lastly, we need to learn that
we are all part of this intellectual community and part of a larger society,
and all have social and ethical responsibilities to our family, community,
classmates, and humanity. We live in a globalized world and therefore, we need
to be aware of events in our community, and the world today. In order to
enhance our knowledge, we must critically examine our social, political and
economic environment in order to apply this knowledge to our experience.
Course Requirements
To prevent confusion later,
please read the following information carefully:
Grades: Your grade
for this course will be based on your performance on the following components,
shown below with their dates and respective weights.
Date Weight
Weekly Reflection Papers
or online quizzes Sunday 60.0
Final Paper
June 8th 20.0
Class Participation
Online Discussions 10.0
You have two options; either you can choose to do a
weekly reflection paper, or take a weekly online quiz. See details for each
option below.
1. Weekly Reflection papers:
The reflection papers
will include an open book essay that will determine what you have learned in
class each week. I will ask you four questions regarding the weekly reading and
class discussion. The reflection
papers should be at least 1600 words. Font size should be Times New Roman, 12
point. The due date for each
exam is Sunday by 12:00 midnight. You need to email me your reflection papers
with Word document. Criteria:
If your paper is less than 1600 words, or late, you will loose 4 points.
Online Quizzes on D2L: You will have 4 quizzes. The quizzes will have
15 questions from each week class readings. Each Quiz is worth 15 points and
each question is worth 1.0 point. You will find the schedule of quizzes below. Please
carefully review the online quiz schedule. If you have schedule conflict, drop
the class. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to
contact me directly.
Online Discussions: During the semester, you will have 5
online discussions. In order to receive a grade for this, you should
participate in the discussions in a meaningful way. One-sentence contributions,
derogatory usage or meaningless contributions without any factual background
from academic sources and class readings will not be counted and will be
deleted. Every week, I will post movies/documentaries and questions for
discussion. You have five days to participate in the discussions. You will have
to participate at least two times to receive 2 points. Your perspectives should
be based on classroom materials, journal and newspaper articles. If you have
any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate contact me.
Final Paper: You will select a think tank, or an
international or non-governmental organization, and will write a critical and analytical review. I must approve your
final paper proposal first. The options for your final paper project are listed
on D2L. Each student must select a different international
organization, think tank or NGO, so it
is important to clear your topic
with me as soon as possible. For your final paper, I created a sample format,
which you will find on D2L. Follow the sample format, and answer the questions
clearly! The due date for obtaining approval on your topic selection is April 27th.
The final paper must be at
least 4000 words. The last day to submit your final paper is Sunday June 8th
at midnight.
CRITERIA: If you select a
book after April 27th you will loose 3 points!
If your
book reviews is late, you will loose another 4 points!
If your
final paper is less then 4000 words, you will loose 5 points!
Each student must read the course materials before they attend class, and I
expect them to participate in class discussion. Regular class attendance is one
of the most important parameters to successful completion of the course
requirements. If you find interesting articles, books, videos, or other sources
that pertain to the class topics and discussion, please share them with me and
with your classmates. This can count towards your class participation score.
READ CAREFULLY! - Electronic Devices &
Other Classroom Policies
Coming late to class and
leaving early: Latecomers
will not be accepted in the class, so be on time. If you are late for a class, please do not disturb your
classmates and me and do not come at all. Please also do not send an
email or call me regarding your class attendance. If there is a medical
need, bring a letter from a doctor. Whatever the reason is, if you cannot come
to class, this is your responsibility. If you miss more than 3 classes, you
will not receive an attendance/participation grade. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE EARLY
EITHER! This is a class, not a coffee shop!
Laptop and cell phone policy: No electronic devices
(including but not limited to laptops, cell phones, blackberries, etc) are to
be used in the classroom. This includes talking on the phone, texting, playing
games, surfing the web, or any other inappropriate usage. Those caught using
restricted devices will be asked to leave class. Lectures may not be
recorded with audio or multi-media devices. Please turn your cell phone off
before you come to class.
Responsibility: You and/or your parents pay tuition for this
class; therefore, you have responsibility to yourself and/or your parents.
Passing or failing the class is not the main objective, rather that you learn
and improve your knowledge. Please read and try to understand the main concepts
of this class. If you are having difficulty, please do not hesitate to see me
and discuss your concerns!
Each year, almost half a million
people graduate from American public universities (see
As you will see from the statistics, the job market is very competitive;
therefore, students need to improve their knowledge, skill, and experience in
order to find a job they want. Learning is a lifelong process. An academic
institution like Portland State University will provide you with an educational
discipline and methodology; everything else is up to you. You should study and
improve your skills, in order to compete with the rest of the graduates. While
you are in the program, you should apply for internships to obtain relevant
experiences before you graduate. Therefore, if you need a letter of
recommendation for an internship or job, please do not hesitate to ask me, if
you receive at least an A, A- or B+ grade from my class. Please also remember
that an undergraduate degree might not be enough to find the job you want;
therefore, you might need to apply to graduate school. In order to apply to
graduate school, you will also need to have a letter of recommendation. I am
also happy to advise you on graduate school or provide a letter of
recommendation if you receive an A, A- or B+ grade.
Grades: Your grade for
this course will be based on your performance on the following components,
shown with their dates and respective weights:
The grading system in this
class is as follows:
A 95-100
A- 90-94
B+ 86-89
B 85
B- 80-84
C+ 76-79
C 75
C- 70-74
D+ 66-69
D 65
D- 60-64
F (Failure)
-You are expected to follow PSU’s student code of
conduct, particularly 577-031-0135 and 577-031-0136, which can be found at
Violations of the code will be reported to the Office
of the Dean of Student Life.
-You are encouraged to take advantage of instructor
and TA office hours or email communication for help with coursework or anything
else connected with the course and your progress.
-If you are a student with a documented disability
and are registered with Disability Resource Center (503.725.4150 or TDD
725.6504), please contact the instructor immediately to arrange academic
-Make sure you have an ODIN account; this email will
be used for D2L and important emails from the instructor and TA. DO NOT
USE THE INTERNAL D2L mail function to contact us. If you do not typically use
your PSU ODIN account, figure out how to get your mail from this account
forwarded to the account you usually use.
No Laptops and cell phones
will be allowed in this class.
If you have any questions regarding class related subjects,
please do not hesitate to ask me.
Course Timeline
First Week
March 31 – April 4
· Introduction to Course and overview syllabus
· Behind Closed Doors: Elite Politics, Think-Tanks and
US Foreign Policy By Tugrul Keskin and Patrick Halpern (Posted on D2L)
· Methodological
Approach: Typologies of Think Tanks (Kubilay Yado Arin)
· Policy Communities,
Advocacy Coalitions and Epistemic Communities (Kubilay
Yado Arin)
· Introduction to the study of international organizations (Ian Hurd)
· A guide to the study of international organizations (Ian Hurd)
Second Week
April 7-11
· Do Think Tanks Matter? Opportunities, Constraints
and Incentives for Think
Tanks in Canada and the United States By
Donald E. Abelson (Posted on D2L)
· Demanding Information: Think Tanks and the US
Congress. Anthony M. Bertelli and Jeffrey B. Wenger. (Posted on D2L)
Role of the Think Tanks in the US Foreign Policy. U.S. Foreign Policy Agenda
Volume 7 An Electronic Journal of the U.S. Department of State Number 3.
· The World Trade Organization (Ian Hurd)
· Theoretical
Explanations for the Political Influence of Think Tanks (Kubilay Yado Arin)
· Fragmentation of the
Political System and Veto Players (Kubilay Yado Arin)
Third Week
April 14-18
· US Think Tanks and the Politics of Expertise: Role,
Value and Impact Mahmood Ahmad. (Posted on D2L)
· A Challenge to Washington Think Tanks Murray
Weidenbaum. (Posted on D2L)
· The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank (Ian Hurd)
· CFR, Brookings and
the Neoconservative Advocacy Think Tanks (Kubilay Yado Arin)
· Elite Theory (Kubilay Yado Arin)
Sunday April 20st
Reflection Paper –
Online Quiz-1
Fourth Week
April 21-25
· British think tanks: advancing the intellectual
debate? Philippa Sherrington. (Posted on D2L)
Players Beyond
Borders? German Think Tanks as Catalysts of Internationalisation. Martin
Thunert. (Posted on D2L)
Think Tanks and
Their Impact. Robert O'neill. (Posted on D2L)
· The United Nations I: law and administration (Ian Hurd)
· Government
Contractors - Frontrunners of the Military-Industrial Complex (Kubilay Yado Arin)
· Foundations,
Corporate Philanthropy and Political Advocacy
(Kubilay Yado Arin)
Fifth Week
April 28-May 2
· Think Tanks in Transitional China. Xufeng Zhu and Lan Xue. (Posted
on D2L)
· China's International Relations Think Tanks: Evolving Structure
and Process. David Shambaugh. (Posted
on D2L)
· China’s Foreign Policy Think Tanks: Changing Roles and
Structural Conditions. Pascal Abb. GIGA Research Unit: Institute of Asian
Studies No 213 January.
· The Role of China’s Think Tanks in Policymaking. (Posted on D2L)
· The United Nations II: international peace and security (Ian Hurd)
· Advocacy Tanks
Acting like Policy Entrepreneurs (Kubilay Yado Arin)
· The Role of
Neoconservative Think Tanks in US Foreign Policy (Kubilay Yado Arin)
Sunday May 4th
Reflection Paper – 2
Online Quiz-2
Sixth Week
May 5-9
Does Israel
Need Think Tanks? by Hannah Elka Meyers.
· The Israel Lobby John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt.
· The International Labor Organization (Ian Hurd)
· The Clinton
Administration (Kubilay Yado Arin)
· The Bush Administration
(Kubilay Yado Arin)
· Introduction - NGOization: Complicity,
Contradictions and Prospects - Aziz Choudry and Dip Kapoor
· Saving Biodiversity, for Whom and for What?
Conservation NGOs, Complicity, Colonialism and Conquest in an Era of
Capitalist Globalization - Aziz Choudry (Aziz Choudry and Dip Kapoor)
Seventh Week
May 12-16
The Ties That
Used to Bind The Decay of American Political Institutions. Francis Fukuyama.
Where Have All
the Lobbyists Gone? Lee Fang.
· International Court of Justice (Ian Hurd)
· The Bush Doctrine,
the Neoconservative Concept for Primacy? (Kubilay Yado Arin)
· The Neoconservative
Think Tanks, an Advocacy Coalition (Kubilay Yado Arin)
· Social Action and NGOization in Contexts of
Development Dispossession in Rural India: Explorations into the Un-civility
of Civil Society - Dip Kapoor (Aziz Choudry and Dip Kapoor)
· NGOs, Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations -
Sharon H. Venne (Aziz Choudry and Dip Kapoor)
May 22nd
Reflection Paper – 3
Online Quiz-3
Eighth Week
May 19-23
· The International Criminal Court (Ian Hurd)
· Conclusion: American
Politics and the War of Ideas (Kubilay Yado Arin)
· From Radical Movement to Conservative NGO and Back
Again? A Case Study of the Democratic Left (Aziz Choudry and Dip Kapoor)
Front in South Africa - Luke Sinwell (Aziz Choudry and Dip Kapoor)
· Philippine NGOs: Defusing Dissent, Spurring Change -
Sonny Africa (Aziz Choudry and Dip Kapoor)
Ninth Week
May 26-30
· Regional organizations: EU, AU and ASEAN (Ian Hurd)
· Disaster Relief, NGO-led Humanitarianism and the
Reconfiguration of Spatial Relations in Tamil Nadu - Raja Swamy (Aziz Choudry
and Dip Kapoor)
· Seven Theses on Neobalkanism and NGOization in
Transitional Serbia - Tamara Vukov (Aziz Choudry and Dip Kapoor)
Sunday June 1st
Reflection Paper – 4
Online Quiz-4
Tenth Week
June 2-6
· Conclusion (Ian Hurd)
development and future trajectories of Civil Society and NGOs By Tugrul
and Violence against Women: Tracking the Ruling Relations of Aid in a Women's
· Development NGO in Kyrgyzstan - Elena Kim and Marie
Campbell (Aziz Choudry and Dip Kapoor)
Alignment and Autonomy: Food Systems in Canada - Brewster Kneen (Aziz Choudry and Dip Kapoor) |
Sunday – JUNE 8TH
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