CRN: 41637 - INTL 332U
16:40 - 18:30 Monday and Wednesday
Classroom: Cramer Hall 401
Instructor: Tugrul Keskin
Office: 333
East Hall
Google Phone: (202) 630-1025
Office Hours: Tuesday
1:00 – 4:00 PM or by appointment
E-mail: tugrulkeskin (at) include “Islamic Movements”
in the subject line)
The rule of
man over man is exploitation; submission to Allah the creator is the only way
to emancipation.
A slogan by Islami Jamiat-i Tulabah
Those who do not rule in accordance with
God’s revelations are the disbelievers.
(44) The Qur’an
Course Description and Objective:
This course will examine the role of Islamic movements
(IM) and Islamic parties (IP) in the contemporary Muslim world in the global
age of capitalism. In the course, we focus on IM and IP and their relationship
with global capitalism, democracy, free speech, gender issues, human rights,
inequality, colonialism/imperialism, modernity, secularism and governance. All
of these concepts are directly related with the conditions of modernity which are
created by capitalism; therefore, I perceive Political Islam (IM and IP) as a
product of modern conditions, such as urbanization, the emergence of a
manufacturing-based economy, the increased availability of higher education,
women’s participation in education and the workforce, and the elimination of
traditional social values. Christianity and Judaism have also been struggling
to redefine themselves under the new rules and regulations – not revelations -
for over 200 years; whereas in Muslim Societies, the conditions of modernity are
newer. Therefore, Muslims are now being asked to
decide between the expression and practice of Din/Religion and the material world in their daily
life. In these societies there is an ongoing struggle between the observance of
God, and the pursuit of material conditions.
Although Political Islam could be seen as a direct
reaction to modern politics, Islam has always been political; it is an
inherently political religion with rules that regulate every aspect of a believer’s
daily life, much in the same way that capitalism does.
will look at Islam from a sociological point of view – not from the theological
perspective, and seek to understand what Islam means to Muslim-populated societies.
Islam plays a major role in world politics today, especially following the
collapse of the Soviet Union. Islamic movements and parties have also occupied
the public and political sphere more noticeably from the 1980s until the
present time. Today, Islam is the religion of one fifth of the World’s population,
and is one of the fastest growing religions. Muslims live in many regions
across the globe; from Morocco to Indonesia. The contribution of Islam to world
civilization is undeniable, however in the last one hundred years, Muslims have
experienced conditions of economic underdevelopment, dictatorship,
colonialism/exploitation/imperialism, and most importantly, the onset of modernity.
We will discuss the following questions and themes; what does modernity mean
for Muslims? Will there be an Islamic renaissance? How about an Islamic
reformation? In relation to these questions, what are today’s Islamic movements
and parties trying to achieve? Unlike in the past, Islamic movements and
parties have been very successful in democratic elections in the Muslim world, such
as Hamas in Israel/Palestine, the Justice and Development Party in Turkey,
Hizbullah in Lebanon, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and Al-Nahda in Tunisia.
In this course, we seek to understand the motivations of these movements, the
reasons for their broad social and political popularity and relevance, and
their unique hierarchical structures. This
course does not concern itself with Al-Qaida or other terrorist organizations,
but does familiarize students with IM and IP more generally. This course examines the roots and traces the
development of IM and IP in North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and
South East Asia.
As described, Islam is not just a
religion, but is also likely to manifest as a socio-economic and political
structure; therefore, one must understand the socio-historical background and
the origin of Islamic belief systems, as well as their underpinning theoretical
basis from thinkers such as:
- Ibn Taymiyya -
- Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani -
- Hasan Al-Banna -
- Sayyid Qutb –
- Sayyid Abul Ala Mawdudi -
- Ali Shariati -
- Fazlur Rahman -
The course objectives are 1) to
acquaint students with both traditional and contemporary literature and
research on Islamic movements, and 2) to introduce students to the historical
and ideological basis of Classical and Contemporary Islamic Political Thought.
Required Books:
This course will use sections from the following book.
Roel Meijer.
Global Salafism: Islam’s New Religious Movement. Columbia University Press,
- Other Readings will be posted on D2L!
Recommended Books:
- Fazlur Rahman. 2002. Islam. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Tugrul Keskin, The
Sociology of Islam: Secularism, Economy and Politics. Ithaca Press, 2011.
ISBN: 978-0-86372-371-1
- Fredric Volpi. Political Islam Observed. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 2010.
- When Victory Is Not An Option: Islamist Movements in Arab Politics by Nathan J. Brown. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 2012.
5. Mohammed Zahid. The Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt's Succession Crisis: The Politics of Liberalisation and Reform in the Middle East. I. B. Tauris, 2012.
- Humeira Iqtidar. 2011. Secularizing Islamists? Jama'at-e-Islami and Jama'at-ud-Da'wa in Urban Pakistan. The University of Chicago Press.
Additional Readings:
- Humeira Iqtidar. 2011. Secularizing Islamists? Jama'at-e-Islami and Jama'at-ud-Da'wa in Urban Pakistan. The University of Chicago Press.
- Asef Bayat. 2007. Making Islam Democratic: Social Movements and the Post-Islamist Turn. Stanford University Press.
- Mohammed Zahid. 2010. The Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt's Succession Crisis: The Politics of Liberalisation and Reform in the Middle East. I.B.Tauris. ISBN: 9781845119799
- Fouad Zakariyya and Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi. 2005. Myth and Reality in the Contemporary Islamist Movement. Pluto Press.
- Fouad Zakariyya and Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi. 2005. Myth and Reality in the Contemporary Islamist Movement. Pluto Press. ISBN: 9780745322469
- Azza Karam. 2004. Transnational Political Islam: Religion, Ideology and Power. Pluto Press. ISBN: 9780745316253
- Amr G. E. Sabet. 2008. Islam and the Political Theory, Governance and International Relations. Pluto Press. ISBN: 9780745327198
11. Edmund
Burke and Ira Lapidus (Ed.), Islam, Politics and Social Movements, Los Angeles, CA: University of
California Press, 1988.
Oliver Roy, Globalized Islam, New York, NY: Columbia University
Press, 2004.
Quintan Wiktorowicz (Ed.), Islamic Activism: A
Social Movement Theory Approach, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press,
Graham E. Fuller, The Future of Political Islam, New York, NY: Palgrave
McMillan, 2003.
- Amina Wadud, Qur’an and Woman: Reading the Sacred Text from a Women’s Perspective, New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1999.
- Carl Ernst, Following Muhammad: Rethinking Islam in the Contemporary World, Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press, 2003.
- Charles Kurzman (Ed.), Liberal Islam, New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1998.
- Charles Kurzman (Ed.), Modernist Islam, 1840-1940. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2002.
- Fatma Mernissi, Beyond the Veil: Male-Female Dynamics in a Modern Muslim Society, Indiana University Press.
- Mansoor Moaddel. 2005. Islamic Modernism, Nationalism and Fundamentalism: Episode and Discourse, Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.
Walid Abdelnasser. The Islamic Movement
in Egypt: Perceptions of International Relations 1967-1981.
Hala Haber. 1997. Hezbollah: Born with
a Vengeance. Columbia University
Abdessalam Yassine. 2000. Winning the
Modern World for Islam. Iowa
City, Iowa: Justice and Spirituality Publishing.
Ahmed Rashid. 2002. Jihad: The Rise of
Militant Islam in Central Asia. New York, NY: Penguin Books.
26. Ahmed
Rashid. 2001. Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in central
Asia. Yale University Press.
John Esposito. 1999. The Islamic
Threat: Myth or Reality. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Joel Beinin and Joe Stork. Political
Islam: Essays from the Middle East Report.
John Esposito. 1983. Voices of
Resurgent Islam. New York, NY: The Oxford University Press.
34. Nikki
R. Keddie, Modern Iran: Roots and Results of Revolution. Yale University Press, 2003.
35. James
L. Gelvin, The Modern Middle East: A History. Oxford University Press,
2007. ISBN13: 9780195327595.
36. William
L. Cleveland. A History of the Modern Middle East. Westview Press, 2004.
ISBN: 9780813343747
Documentaries and
- The Power of Nightmares: Part I: Baby It's Cold Outside
- The Power of Nightmares: Part II: The Phantom Victory
- The Power of Nightmares: Part III: The Shadows in the Cave
- Why We Fight - A Film By Eugene Jarecki
Taxi to the Dark Side (2007)
Standard Operating Procedure (2008)
On Orientalism-Edward Said
The Hezbollah Mystery
The Rise and Rise of the Party of God - Lebanon
Gaza / HAMAS – Rise to Power
Hamas Rulers of Gaza Documentary
Muslim Brotherhood - National Geographic
Doha Debates - Political Islam
Iranian Revolution 1979 Fall of a Shah - BBC
Recommended Qur’an
- Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet 2005 a film by Michael Schwarz
- Inside Islam – History Channel
- 30 Days as a Muslim, a 2006 film by Morgan Spurlock
Mosques, Masjids
and Organizations - Portland:
- Masjed As-Saber -
- Bilal Masjid -
- Muslim Community Center of Portland -
- Mehdi Center (Islamic Center of Portland) -
- Muslim Educational Trust -
Course Philosophy:
The goal of this course is to
enable students to write a theoretically guided and empirically rooted research
paper. I expect you to become familiar with the social, political and
economic underpinnings of Islam and Islamic movements.
The success of this course
depends on your continued and sustained reading and participation. The course
will be based on a four-dimensional method of learning, and this includes
inquiry and critical thinking; communication; the diversity of human
experience; and ethics and social responsibility. First, I would like you to
critically analyze what you learn in this class or have learned so far through
the media and education, because in today’s world, truth is a relative concept.
Throughout human history, critical thinking is the one of the most important
factors that has contributed to human development. In order to become
active, self-motivated, empowered learners and future leaders, you will need to
have the ability to think critically, and therefore your criticism, feedback
and suggestions are necessary. Second, I would like you to enhance your writing
and oral communication skills in this course. Therefore, it is important to
clearly elaborate your arguments in the class discussion as well as in the
written assignments.
Third, we are each part of the human mosaic, and all have different experiences based on our social, political and economic differences. We can all learn from and respect each other and benefit from our diversity. Please try to learn from and understand those with different perspectives than you. Lastly, we need to learn that we are all part of this intellectual community and larger society, and all have social and ethical responsibilities to our family, community, classmates, and humanity. We live in a globalized world and therefore, we need to be aware of events in our community, and the world today. In order to enhance our knowledge, we must critically examine our social, political and economic environment in order to apply this knowledge to our experience.
Third, we are each part of the human mosaic, and all have different experiences based on our social, political and economic differences. We can all learn from and respect each other and benefit from our diversity. Please try to learn from and understand those with different perspectives than you. Lastly, we need to learn that we are all part of this intellectual community and larger society, and all have social and ethical responsibilities to our family, community, classmates, and humanity. We live in a globalized world and therefore, we need to be aware of events in our community, and the world today. In order to enhance our knowledge, we must critically examine our social, political and economic environment in order to apply this knowledge to our experience.
Course Requirements
To prevent confusion later,
please read the following information carefully:
Reflection papers: The reflection papers will include an open book essay that
will determine what you have learned in class each week. I will ask you four
questions regarding the weekly reading and class discussion. The reflection papers should be at least
1600 words. Font size should be Times New Roman, 12 point. The due date for each exam is Sunday by
12:00 midnight. You need to email me your reflection papers with Word document.
Criteria: If your
paper is less than 1600 words, or late, you will loose 4 points.
Weekly Presentations: Each week, three or four students will
be assigned a weekly topic from the readings. These students will summarize the
readings and prepare a content outline and 4-6 questions for the class, in
order to come prepared to lead the class discussion for 15 minutes. Each
student must always read the course materials before they attend class, and I
expect you to participate actively in the class discussion. I strongly
recommend that you present in earlier weeks rather than later in the semester,
because you may not find the right time available to present, and will loose
presentation points. Presentation dates are available on a first-come
first-served basis. The timeline for weekly presentations will be provided in
the first week of class. After we have filled in student names and finalized
the weekly presentation schedule, it will be posted to D2L.
Newspaper Articles: During the semester, you can bring 4
newspaper articles related with our class subjects. You cannot bring more
than one article in the same week. You will have to summarize these
articles verbally in class and will find the recommended newspapers listed on D2L,
under the external links section.
Newspaper articles sent by email will not be accepted. Please bring the first
page of the printed/hard copy of the article to class. Some of the recommended
newspapers include The Guardian, Al-Jazeera,, Financial Times,
The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and the Economist. You can only
bring an article on Mondays.
Final Paper: This will be a group project. Each group of three
or four students will select a recommended Islamic Movement or party,
which you will analyze within a theoretical framework from this class. The paper will be a research paper and you
can use other sources as well, however you should clearly use citations. You
will present a draft version of your paper in the Islamic Movements Students
Conference at the last week of class, Wednesday March 12. This mini-student
conference will be open to the public. The final paper is an empirical
paper of at least 12.000 words, Times New Roman font, 12 point, doubled spaced.
I must approve your paper topic and plan ahead of time. The final paper
proposals are due as MS Word attachments emailed to me by Monday, January 27th.
The last day to submit your final paper is Sunday March 16th.
· You are responsible for selecting your own
· Please select your group mates based on
common interests,
· You are responsible for the entire paper,
· You will receive a grade based on the quality
of the ENTIRE paper,
· If your group-mates do not cooperate with the
rest of the group, you can remove him/her by sending him/her an email; please
CC: me on the same email,
· Please do not send me an email at the end of
the semester to say that your group mates did not write his or her part; again,
you are responsible for the entire paper
Recommended Islamic Movements and Parties:
· Hezbollah - Lebanon
· Jama’at-e Islami of Pakistan
· Prosperous
Justice Party of Indonesia
· Hizb-ut
· Islamic
Action Front of Jordan
· The
Fethullah Gulen Movement of Turkey – Hizmet Movement
· Muslim Brotherhood - Al-‐Ikhwan al‐Muslimeen
· Hamas - Ḥarakat al-Muqāwamat
· Nahdatul Ulama of Indonesia
· Renaissance Party of Tunisia (Al-
· Justice and Development Party of
· Justice and Development Party of
Turkey (Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi, AK Parti)
· Islamic Salvation Front of
Algeria (Al-Jabhat
Al-Islamiyya lil-Inqad, FIS)
The Tablighi Jamaat
· Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party
(Parti Islam Se Malaysia, PAS)
National Salvation Party of Turkey (Milli Gorus)
National Order Party (Milli Nizam Partisi)
National Salvation Party (Milli Selamet Partisi)
Virtue Party (Fazilet Partisi)
· Nur Movement of Turkey
(Said-i Nursi)
· Al-Noor Party - Salafi
Movement of Egypt
· The Muslim Brotherhood of
CRITERIA: If final paper
proposal is late (January 27th) you will loose 3 points!
If your final
paper is late, you will loose another 4 points!
If your
final paper is less then 12.000 words, you will loose 5 points!
Format: ASA citation and
bibliography format will be followed. All work should adhere to the guidelines
published by the American Sociological Association (ASA) at
This is not a definitive
source, but is a Quick Guide provided by ASA.
Each student must read the course materials before they attend class, and I
expect them to participate in class discussion. Regular class attendance is one
of the most important parameters to successful completion of the course
requirements. If you find interesting articles, books, videos, or other sources
that pertain to the class topics and discussion, please share them with me and
with your classmates. This can count towards your class participation score.
READ CAREFULLY! - Electronic Devices &
Other Classroom Policies
Coming late to class and
leaving early: Latecomers
will not be accepted in the class, so be on time. If you are late for a class, please do not disturb your
classmates and me and do not come at all. Please also do not send an
email or call me regarding your class attendance. If there is a medical
need, bring a letter from a doctor. Whatever the reason is, if you cannot come
to class, this is your responsibility. If you miss more than 4 classes, you
will not receive an attendance/participation grade. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE EARLY
EITHER! This is a class, not a coffee shop!
Laptop and cell phone policy: No electronic devices
(including but not limited to laptops, cell phones, blackberries, etc) are to
be used in the classroom. This includes talking on the phone, texting, playing
games, surfing the web, or any other inappropriate usage. Those caught using
restricted devices will be asked to leave class. Lectures may not be recorded
with audio or multi-media devices. Please turn your cell phone off before
you come to class.
Responsibility: You and/or your parents pay tuition for this
class; therefore, you have responsibility to yourself and/or your parents.
Passing or failing the class is not the main objective, rather that you learn
and improve your knowledge. Please read and try to understand the main concepts
of this class. If you are having difficulty, please do not hesitate to see me
and discuss your concerns!
Each year, almost half a million
people graduate from American public universities (see
As you will see from the statistics, the job market is very competitive; therefore,
students need to improve their knowledge, skills, and experience in order to
find a job they want. Learning is a lifelong process. An academic institution
like Portland State University will provide you with an educational discipline
and methodology; everything else is up to you. You should study and improve
your skills, in order to compete with the rest of the graduates. While you are
in the program, you should apply for internships to obtain relevant experiences
before you graduate. Therefore, if you need a letter of recommendation for an
internship or job, please do not hesitate to ask me, if you receive at least an
A, A- or B+ grade from my class. Please also remember that an undergraduate
degree might not be enough to find the job you want; therefore, you might need
to apply to graduate school. In order to apply to graduate school, you will
also need to have a letter of recommendation. I am also happy to advise you on
graduate school or provide a letter of recommendation if you receive an A, A- or
B+ grade.
Grades: Your grade for
this course will be based on your performance on the following components,
shown with their dates and respective weights:
Item Date Weight
4 Reflection Papers Sunday
Final Paper March 16th
Class Participation
Newspaper Articles 4.0
Weekly Presentation 8.0
The grading system in this
class is as follows:
A 95-100
A- 90-94
B+ 86-89
B 85
B- 80-84
C+ 76-79
C 75
C- 70-74
D+ 66-69
D 65
D- 60-64
F (Failure)
-You are expected to follow PSU’s student code of
conduct, particularly 577-031-0135 and 577-031-0136, which can be found at
Violations of the code will be reported to the Office
of the Dean of Student Life.
-You are encouraged to take advantage of instructor
and TA office hours or email communication for help with coursework or anything
else connected with the course and your progress.
-If you are a student with a documented disability
and are registered with Disability Resource Center (503.725.4150 or TDD 725.6504),
please contact the instructor immediately to arrange academic accommodations.
-Make sure you have an ODIN account; this email will
be used for D2L and important emails from the instructor and TA. DO NOT
USE THE INTERNAL D2L mail function to contact us. If you do not typically use
your PSU ODIN account, figure out how to get your mail from this account
forwarded to the account you usually use.
Additional Remarks: If you have difficulty with the
course, please schedule a time to discuss your concerns with me, to help you
get back on track.
The chief characteristic of the Islamic Concept
of Life is that it does not admit a conflict, nay, not even a significant
separation between life-spiritual and life-mundane. It does not confine itself
merely in purifying the spiritual and the moral life of man in the limited
sense of the word. Its domain extends to the entire gamut of life. It wants to
mould individual life as well as the social order in healthy patterns, so that
the Kingdom of God may really be established on the earth and so that peace,
contentment and well-being may fill the world as waters fill the oceans. The
Islamic Way of Life is based on this unique approach to life and a peculiar
concept of man's place in the Universe.
The Islamic Way of Life
First Week
January 6 - 10
Second Week
January 13-17
· Iranian Revolution 1979 Fall of a Shah - BBC
January 19
Reflection Paper – 1
Third Week
January 20-24
January 20 No Class
· Muslim Brotherhood National Geographic Documentary
Sunday January 26
Final Paper Proposal must be approved by
Monday, January 26th
Please email me your final paper proposal
and name of the group members.
Fourth Week
January 27-31
February 2
Reflection Paper – 2
Fifth Week
February 3-7
Sixth Week
February 10-14
· The Hezbollah Mystery
· The Rise and Rise of the Party of God - Lebanon
· Gaza / HAMAS – Rise to Power
Hamas Rulers of
Gaza Documentary
February 16
Reflection Paper – 3
Seventh Week
February 17-21
Eighth Week
February 24-28
March 2
Reflection Paper – 4
Ninth Week
March 3-7
March 9
Extra Credit Paper - Reflection Paper -5
5 Points
· Doha Debates - Political Islam
Final Paper Presentations – Wednesday,
March 12, 2014
March 16
Final Paper Deadline
Please email me your paper.
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