Sunday, December 01, 2013


CRN: 45687 - INTL 390
TUESDAY 17:30 – 21:10

Instructor:        Tugrul Keskin            
Office:             333 East Hall
Google Phone: (202) 630-1025          
Office Hours:  Tuesday 12:00 - 4:00 PM or by appointment     
(PLEASE include “INTL 390” in the subject line)

Course Description and Objective: Welcome! This course is designed to give an overview of social and political theories, and will examine questions of state and society; in so doing, we will address theoretical questions such as: What are the origins of current social, political and economic transformations? What is the relationship between the individual and society? How is alienation created in modern economic structures? How has the state formed and how has it changed over time? What is the relationship between the state and citizen? Do you think we are more obedient and less free than 50 years ago? Are we becoming more individualistic, and if so, why? What is organic and mechanic solidarity? Do you think we live a more community-oriented life or a societal life (which is compromised of interconnected individuals)? What is the one-dimensional man? Are we believers, individuals, citizens or consumers? What are our rights in the nation-state, and how has this changed under modern neoliberal conditions? Are corporations replacing the role of the nation-state? The primary focus of the course will be on the work and writings of Ibn-Khaldun, Karl Marx, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim, Georg Simmel, Karl Manheim, G. Herbert Mead, Talcott Parson, the Frankfurt School thinkers, C. Wright Mills, Erving Goffman, Norbert Elias, Pierre Bourdieu, Anthony Giddens, Jean Baudrillard, Jurgen Habermas, Karl Popper, Friedrich Hayek, Michel Foucault, and Anthony Negri. We will discuss the ideas of many other theorists as well, such as: Pareto, Gramsci, Fanon, Wallerstein, Ulrich Beck, and Edward Said. However, the main objective of the course is to have you read primary source materials and to gain familiarity with social and political theories and theorists. 

Social and political theories describe the complex and multi-faceted transformations that we observe in today’s world. Each theorist has his or her own answer or explanation for the transformation of society. I believe there is no objectivity in social and political theories, and that theory is the subjective understanding of social, political and economic realities from the standpoint of the theorist. All social and political theorists have their own unique approaches and prescriptions for the solution to the problems caused by social, political and economic transformations. Karl Marx views capitalism as the cause of a never-ending conflict over economic resources, whereas Durkheim views capitalism as a force that dissolves society, and replaces it with individualism. Societies are in a constant flux; evolving from traditional to modern; and to post-modern. My primary concern is with those theorists who have had and continue to have a significant impact on our thinking about society, politics and economy. In this course, we will view theory as a critical element that shapes and constructs our daily political, economic and social life. Therefore, in this course I will not create any artificial boundaries between social and political theory, as one draws from the other.
Learning Outcomes (Tugrul Keskin):
By the end of the course, you will have enhanced your:
§  Critical thinking in relation to international studies
§  Ability to question dogmas and taboos in today’s societies
§  Consciousness of differing perspectives and diversity
§  Understanding of world issues and trends
§  Understanding of the impact of colonialism and imperialism in developing nations
You also will have increased your knowledge concerning:
§  Resources in your potential discipline
§  Resources specific to your region
§  Traditional information sources
§  Alternative information sources
§  Knowledge of relevant methodologies
Learning Outcomes (Shawn Smallman)
Core Learning Outcome: Students will demonstrate an understanding of world cultures, politics, and economics, within the context of globalization, as well as developing the skills and attitudes to function as “global citizens.”

Specific Outcomes:
  • Demonstrates knowledge of global issues, processes, trends and systems (i.e. economic and political interdependency among nations; environmental-cultural interaction; global governance bodies).
  • Can articulate an understanding of her/his culture in global and comparative context; that is, recognizes that her/his culture is one of many diverse cultures and that alternate perceptions and behaviors may be based in cultural differences.
  • Demonstrates an understanding of the meaning and practice of political, military, economic, and cultural hegemony within states and within the global system.
  • Demonstrates an understanding of how her/his field is viewed and practiced in different international contexts.
  • Uses diverse cultural perspectives and frames of reference, including those of the media, to think critically and solve problems.
  • Uses information from other languages and other countries to extend their access to information and experiences.
  • Interprets issues and situations from more than one cultural perspective.
  • Can articulate differences among cultures; demonstrates tolerance for the diverse viewpoints that emerge from these differences.
  • Demonstrates a critical understanding of the historical origins of the nation-state, and its current role in the global system.
  • Can apply the key theoretical concepts in the field to interpret global issues.
  • Exhibits an ongoing willingness to seek out international or intercultural opportunities.
Required Readings:
  1. Social Theory The Multicultural, Global, and Classic Readings By Charles Lemert (Author) March 2013.

  1. Readings in Globalization: Key Concepts and Major Debates By George Ritzer (Editor), Zeynep Atalay (Editor) 2010.
Recommended Books on Social, Political and Economic Theories
Recommended Movies and documentaries:

Heidegger - Human, All Too Human  
Friedrich Nietzsche: Human, All Too Human
Sartre - Human, All Too Human
Masters Of Money 3_3 - Karl Marx BBC Documentary Series
Marx Reloaded
Herbert Marcuse on the Frankfurt School: Section 1 of 5
Michel Foucault Beyond Good and Evil
George Orwell - A Life in Pictures
Derrida Full Documentary
C. Wright Mills
Frantz Fanon
Neoconservatists - Who They Are and Their Powers in the Government
Masters Of Money - Episode 2: Friedrich Hayek
Masters Of Money - Part 1 - John Keynes

Course Philosophy:
The goal of this course is to become familiar with the social, political and economic underpinnings of social and political theories. The success of this course depends on your continued and sustained reading and participation. The course will be based on a four-dimensional method of learning, and this includes inquiry and critical thinking; communication; and will draw on the diversity of human experience; and ethics and social responsibility. First, I would like you to critically analyze what you learn in this class or have learned so far through the media and your education, because in today’s world, truth is a relative concept. Throughout human history, critical thinking is one of the most important factors that have contributed to human development.  In order to become active, self-motivated, and empowered learners and future leaders, you will need to have the ability to think critically, and therefore your criticism, feedback and suggestions are necessary. Second, I would like for you to enhance your writing and oral communication skills in this course. Therefore, it is important to clearly elaborate your arguments in class discussion as well as in the written assignments.

Third, we are each part of the human mosaic, and all have different experiences based on our unique social, political and economic differences. We can all learn from and respect each other and benefit from our diversity. Please try to learn from and understand those with different perspectives from your own. Lastly, we need to learn that we are all part of this intellectual community and part of a larger society, and all have social and ethical responsibilities to our family, community, classmates, and humanity. We live in a globalized world and therefore, we need to be aware of events in our community, and the world today. In order to enhance our knowledge, we must critically examine our social, political and economic environment in order to apply this knowledge to our experience.

Course Requirements

To prevent confusion later, please read the following information carefully:

Grades: Your grade for this course will be based on your performance on the following components, shown below with their dates and respective weights.

Reflection papers: The reflection papers will include an open book essay that will determine what you have learned in class each week. I will ask you four questions regarding the weekly reading and class discussion. The reflection papers should be at least 1600 words. Font size should be Times New Roman, 12 point. The due date for each exam is Sunday by 12:00 midnight. You need to email me your reflection papers with Word document. Criteria: If your paper is less than 1600 words, or late, you will loose 4 points.   

Weekly Presentations: Each week, three or four students will be assigned a weekly topic from the readings. These students will summarize the readings and prepare a content outline and 4-6 questions for the class, in order to come prepared to lead the class discussion for 15 minutes. Each student must always read the course materials before they attend class, and I expect you to participate actively in the class discussion. I strongly recommend that you present in earlier weeks rather than later in the semester, because you may not find the right time available to present, and will loose presentation points. Presentation dates are available on a first-come first-served basis. The timeline for weekly presentations will be provided in the first week of class. After we have filled in student names and finalized the weekly presentation schedule, it will be posted to D2L. 

Final Paper: You will select a book written by a social or political theorist and will write a book review. I must approve your book review proposal first. The book options for your final paper project are listed at the following homepage: Each student must select a different book, so it is important to clear your book title with me as soon as possible. For your final paper book review, I created a sample format, which you will find on D2L. Follow the sample format, and answer the questions clearly! The due date for obtaining approval on your book selection is by January 20th.      
The final paper must be at least 4000 words. The last day to submit your final paper is Sunday March 16th at midnight.
CRITERIA:        If you select a book after January 20th you will loose 3 points!
                            If your book reviews is late, you will loose another 4 points!
                            If your final paper is less then 4000 words, you will loose 5 points!  

Participation/Attendance: Each student must read the course materials before they attend class, and I expect them to participate in class discussion. Regular class attendance is one of the most important parameters to successful completion of the course requirements. If you find interesting articles, books, videos, or other sources that pertain to the class topics and discussion, please share them with me and with your classmates. This can count towards your class participation score.

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! - Electronic Devices & Other Classroom Policies

Coming late to class and leaving early: Latecomers will not be accepted in the class, so be on time. If you are late for a class, please do not disturb your classmates and me and do not come at all. Please also do not send an email or call me regarding your class attendance. If there is a medical need, bring a letter from a doctor. Whatever the reason is, if you cannot come to class, this is your responsibility. If you miss more than 3 classes, you will not receive an attendance/participation grade. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE EARLY EITHER! This is a class, not a coffee shop!

Laptop and cell phone policy: No electronic devices (including but not limited to laptops, cell phones, blackberries, etc) are to be used in the classroom. This includes talking on the phone, texting, playing games, surfing the web, or any other inappropriate usage. Those caught using restricted devices will be asked to leave class. Lectures may not be recorded with audio or multi-media devices. Please turn your cell phone off before you come to class.

Responsibility: You and/or your parents pay tuition for this class; therefore, you have responsibility to yourself and/or your parents. Passing or failing the class is not the main objective, rather that you learn and improve your knowledge. Please read and try to understand the main concepts of this class. If you are having difficulty, please do not hesitate to see me and discuss your concerns!

Each year, almost half a million people graduate from American public universities (see As you will see from the statistics, the job market is very competitive; therefore, students need to improve their knowledge, skill, and experience in order to find a job they want. Learning is a lifelong process. An academic institution like Portland State University will provide you with an educational discipline and methodology; everything else is up to you. You should study and improve your skills, in order to compete with the rest of the graduates. While you are in the program, you should apply for internships to obtain relevant experiences before you graduate. Therefore, if you need a letter of recommendation for an internship or job, please do not hesitate to ask me, if you receive at least an A, A- or B+ grade from my class. Please also remember that an undergraduate degree might not be enough to find the job you want; therefore, you might need to apply to graduate school. In order to apply to graduate school, you will also need to have a letter of recommendation. I am also happy to advise you on graduate school or provide a letter of recommendation if you receive an A, A- or B+ grade. 

Grades: Your grade for this course will be based on your performance on the following components, shown with their dates and respective weights:

Item                                                    Date                                        Weight (%)

4 Reflection Papers                          Sunday                                   60.0
Final Paper                                        March 16th                             20.0
Attendance                                                                                        4.0                             
Class Participation                                                                           6.0     
Weekly Presentation                                                                                   10.0    

The grading system in this class is as follows:
A                95-100     
A-              90-94    
B+              86-89    
B                85     
B-               80-84    
C+              76-79    
C                75    
C-               70-74    
D+             66-69    
D                65    
D-              60-64
F                (Failure)     

-You are expected to follow PSU’s student code of conduct, particularly 577-031-0135 and 577-031-0136, which can be found at
Violations of the code will be reported to the Office of the Dean of Student Life.
-You are encouraged to take advantage of instructor and TA office hours or email communication for help with coursework or anything else connected with the course and your progress.
-If you are a student with a documented disability and are registered with Disability Resource Center (503.725.4150 or TDD 725.6504), please contact the instructor immediately to arrange academic accommodations.
-Make sure you have an ODIN account; this email will be used for D2L and important emails from the instructor and TA.  DO NOT USE THE INTERNAL D2L mail function to contact us. If you do not typically use your PSU ODIN account, figure out how to get your mail from this account forwarded to the account you usually use.


No Laptops and cell phones will be allowed in this class.
If you have any questions regarding class related subjects, please do not hesitate to ask me.

Course Timeline

First Week
January 6-10

Introduction to Course and overview syllabus
The Origin of Sociology – Ibn-Khaldun, the Muqaddima

Social Theory The Multicultural, Global, and Classic Readings By Charles Lemert
Social Theory: Its Uses and Pleasures
Part One: Modernity’s Classical Age: 1848–1919
Karl Marx
Estranged Labor
Camera Obscura
The Manifesto of Class Struggle, with Friedrich Engels
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
On Imperialism in India
Capital and The Values of Commodities
Capital and the Fetishism of Commodities
Capital and Labor Power

Second Week
January 13-17

Friedrich Engels
The Patriarchal Family
Jane Addams
The Settlement as a Factor in the Labor Movement
Emile Durkheim
Mechanical and Organic Solidarity
Anomie and the Modern Division of Labor
Sociology and Social Facts
Suicide and Modernity
Primitive Classifications and Social Knowledge, with Marcel Mauss
The Cultural Logic of Collective Representations
Max Weber
The Spirit of Capitalism and the Iron Cage
The Bureaucratic Machine
What Is Politics?
The Types of Legitimate Domination
Class, Status, Party
Third Week
January 20-24
January 20 No Class
John Dewey
Democracy and Education
Split Lives in the Modern World
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The Yellow Wallpaper
Women and Economics
Georg Simmel
The Stranger
Charles Horton Cooley
The Looking-Glass Self
Part Two: Social Theories and World Conflicts: 1919-1945
John Maynard Keynes
The Psychology of Modern Society
Talcott Parsons
The Unit Act of Action Systems
Georg Lukács
The Irrational Chasm Between Subject and Object
George Herbert Mead
The Self, the I, and the Me
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (V. I.) Lenin
What Is to Be Done?
Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno
The Culture Industry as Deception
Martin Heidegger
The Question Concerning Technology: The Age of the World Picture
Karl Mannheim
The Sociology of Knowledge and Ideology
Robert K. Merton
Social Structure and Anomie
W.E.B. Du Bois
Black Reconstruction and the Racial Wage
Reinhold Niebuhr
Moral Man and Immoral Society
Gunnar Myrdal
The Negro Problem as a Moral Issue
William I. Thomas and Florian Znaniecki
Disorganization of the Polish Immigrant
Lewis Wirth
The Significance of the Jewish Ghetto
Walter Benjamin
Art in an Age of Mechanical Reproduction: War and Fascism
Virginia Woolf
A Room of One’s Own
Antonio Gramsci
Intellectuals and Hegemony
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Nonviolent Force: A Spiritual Dilemma
Mao Tse-tung
Identity, Struggle, Contradiction
Sunday January 26th

Reflection Paper - 1
Fourth Week
January 27-31

Part Three: The Golden Movement: 1945-1963
George Kennan
The United States and the Containment of the Soviets
Daniel Bell
The End of Ideology in the West,
W. W. Rostow
Modernization: Stages of Growth,
Talcott Parsons
Action Systems and Social Systems, The AGIL Paradigm
Sex Roles in the American Kinship System
Robert K. Merton
Manifest and Latent Functions
Claude Lévi-Strauss
The Structural Study of Myth
Roland Barthes
Semiological Prospects
Louis Althusser
Ideology and the Ideological State Apparatuses
Erving Goffman
Presentation of Self
Jacques Lacan
The Mirror Stage
Simone de Beauvoir
Woman as Other
Aimé Césaire
Between Colonizer and Colonized
C. Wright Mills
The Sociological Imagination
Frantz Fanon
Decolonizing, National Culture, and the Negro Intellectual
Fifth Week
February 3-7

Part Four: Will the Center Hold? 1963–1979
Clifford Geertz
Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture
Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann
Society as a Human Product
Dorothy Smith
Knowing a Society from Within: A Woman’s Standpoint
Immanuel Wallerstein
The Modern World-System
Jacques Derrida
The Decentering Event in Social Thought
Michel Foucault
Biopolitics and the Carceral Society
C.L.R. James
Black Power and Stokely
Herbert Marcuse
Repressive Desublimation of One-Dimensional Man
Pierre Bourdieu
Structures, Habitus, Practices
Audre Lorde
The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House

1 Introduction to Globalization Debates.
1 Is Globalization Civilizing, Destructive or Feeble? A Critique of Five Key Debates in the Social Science Literature (Mauro F. Guillén).
Part I Political Economy.
2 Civilizations.
2 The Clash of Civilizations? (Samuel P. Huntington).
3 Global Utopias and Clashing Civilizations: Misunderstanding the Present (John Gray).
4 Can Civilizations Clash? (Jack F. Matlock, Jr).
5 History Ends, Worlds Collide (Chris Brown).
6 If Not Civilizations, What? Paradigms of the Post-Cold War World (Samuel P. Huntington).

Sunday February 9th
Reflection Paper - 2
Sixth Week
February 10-14

Part Five: After Modernity: 1979–2001
Jean-François Lyotard
The Postmodern Condition
Richard Rorty
Private Irony and Liberal Hope
Michel Foucault
Power as Knowledge
Jean Baudrillard
Simulacra and Simulations: Disneyland
Juergen Habermas
Critical Theory, the Colonized Lifeworld, and Communicative Competence
Anthony Giddens
Post-Modernity or Radicalized Modernity?
Ernesto LaClau and Chantal Mouffe
Radical Democracy: Alternative for a New Left,
James S. Coleman
The New Social Structure and the New Social Science
Donna Haraway
The Cyborg Manifesto and Fractured Identities
Trinh T. Minh-ha
Infinite Layers/Third World?
Patricia Hill Collins
Black Feminist Thought in the Matrix of Domination
Gloria Anzaldúa
The New Mestiza
Judith Butler
Imitation and Gender Insubordination
Paula Gunn Allen
Who Is Your Mother? Red Roots of White Feminism

3 Orientalism, Colonialism, and Postcolonialism.
7 Orientalism: Introduction (Edward W. Said).
8 Orientalism and Orientalism in Reverse (Sadik Jalal al-'Azm).
9 Postcolonialism and Its Discontents (Ali Rattansi).
10 Said’s Orientalism: A Vital Contribution Today (Peter Marcuse).
4 Neoliberalism.
11 Freedom versus Collectivism in Foreign Aid (William Easterly).
12 The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time (Karl Polanyi).
13 Freedom’s Just Another Word . . . (David Harvey).
14 Neoliberalism as Exception, Exception to Neoliberalism (Aihwa Ong).
5 Structural Adjustment.
15 Structural Adjustment in East and Southeast Asia: Lessons from Latin America (Jim Glassman and Pádraig Carmody).
16 The Social Consequences of Structural Adjustment: Recent Evidence and Current Debates (Sarah Babb).
17 The Human Rights Effects of World Bank Structural Adjustment, 1981–2000 (M. Rodwan Abouharb and David L. Cingranelli).
18 How International Monetary Fund and World Bank Policies Undermine Labor Power and Rights (Vincent Lloyd and Robert Weissman).
19 Who Has Failed Africa?: IMF Measures or the African Leadership? (Gerald Scott).

Seventh Week
February 17-21

Part Six: Global Realities in an Uncertain Century
Immanuel Wallerstein
The Modern World-System in Crisis
Zygmunt Bauman
Liquid Modernity
Stanley Hoffman
The Clash of Globalizations
Stuart Hall
The Global, the Local, and the Return of Ethnicity
Manuel Castells
The Global Network
Amartya Sen
Asian Values and the West’s Claim to Uniqueness
Ulrich Beck
World Risk Society
Achille Mbembe
Necropower and Late Modern Colonial Occupation
Rethinking the Past That Haunts the Future
Avery Gordon
Ghostly Matters
Edward Said
Intellectual Exile: Expatriates and Marginals
Elijah Anderson
The “Nigger Moment” in the Cosmopolitan Canopy
Charles Tilly
The Future of Social Science and The Invisible Elbow
Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri
The Multitude Against the Empire
Slavoj Zizek
Cynicism as a Form of Ideology
Giorgio Agamben
Sovereign Power and Bare Life
Bruno Latour
Spheres and Networks: The Spaces of Material Life

6 Nation-State.
20 Sociology and the Nation-State in an Era of Shifting Boundaries (Donald N. Levine).
21 The Westfailure System (Susan Strange).
22 Globalization and the Myth of the Powerless State (Linda Weiss).
23 Globalization and the Resilience of State Power (Daniel Béland).
24 Beyond Nation-State Paradigms: Globalization, Sociology, and the Challenge of Transnational Studies (William I. Robinson).
7 Transnationalism.
25 Transnational Practices (Leslie Sklair).
26 Social Theory and Globalization: The Rise of a Transnational State (William I. Robinson).
27 Revisiting the Question of the Transnational State: A Comment on William Robinson's "Social Theory and Globalization" (Philip McMichael).
8 World Systems.
28 The Modern World-System: Theoretical Reprise (Immanuel Wallerstein).
29 Competing Conceptions of Globalization (Leslie Sklair).

Sunday February 23rd
Reflection Paper – 3
Eighth Week
February 24-28

9 Empire.
30 Empire (Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri).
31 The Global Coliseum: On Empire (Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri interviewed by Nicholas Brown and Imre Szeman).
32 Retrieving the Imperial: Empire and International Relations (Tarak Barkawi and Mark Laffey).
33 Africa: the Black Hole at the Middle of Empire? (David Moore).
34 The New World Order (They Mean It) (Stanley Aronowitz).
35 Adventures of the Multitude: Response of the Authors (Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri).
10 Network Society and Informationalism.
36 Toward a Sociology of the Network Society (Manuel Castells).
37 Depoliticizing Globalization: From Neo-Marxism to the Network Society of Manuel Castells (Peter Marcuse).
11 World Risk Society and Cosmopolitanism.
38 The Terrorist Threat: World Risk Society Revisited (Ulrich Beck).
39 Risk, Globalisation and the State: A Critical Appraisal of Ulrich Beck and the World Risk Society Thesis (Darryl S. L. Jarvis).
40 Unpacking Cosmopolitanism for the Social Sciences: A Research Agenda (Ulrich Beck and Natan Sznaider).
41 Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism (Craig Calhoun).

Ninth Week
March 3-7

12 McWorld and Jihad.
42 Jihad vs McWorld (Benjamin R. Barber).
43 Paris Is Burning: Jihad vs McWorld by Benjamin R. Barber (Fareed Zakaria).
44 Sovereignty and Emergency: Political Theology, Islam and American Conservatism (Bryan S. Turner).
45 On Terrorism and the New Democratic Realism (Benjamin R. Barber).
Part II Culture.
46 Globalization and Culture: Three Paradigms (Jan Nederveen Pieterse).
13 Creolization, Hybridity, and Glocalization.
47 The World in Creolisation (Ulf Hannerz).
48 Flows, Boundaries and Hybrids: Keywords in Transnational Anthropology (Ulf Hannerz).
49 Globalization as Hybridization (Jan Nederveen Pieterse).
50 Glocalization: Time–Space and Homogeneity–Heterogeneity (Roland Robertson).
14 Critiquing Creolization, Hybridity, and Glocalization.
51 Hybridity, So What? The Anti-Hybridity Backlash and the Riddles of Recognition (Jan Nederveen Pieterse).
52 The Global, the Local, and the Hybrid: A Native Ethnography of Glocalization (Marwan M. Kraidy).
53 Globalization and Trinidad Carnival: Diaspora, Hybridity and Identity in Global Culture (Keith Nurse).
54 Mapping the “Glocal” Village: The Political Limits of “Glocalization” (William H. Thornton).
55 Rethinking Globalization: Glocalization/Grobalization and Something/Nothing (George Ritzer).
56 Dialectics of Something and Nothing: Critical Reflections on Ritzer’s Globalization Analysis (Douglas Kellner).

Sunday March 9th
Reflection Paper - 4
Tenth Week
March 10-14

 15 McDonaldization.
57 An Introduction to McDonaldization (George Ritzer).
58 McDonaldization and the Global Culture of Consumption (Malcolm Waters).
59 The McDonald’s Mosaic: Glocalization and Diversity (Bryan S. Turner).
60 Transnationalism, Localization, and Fast Foods in East Asia (James L. Watson).
61 Global Implications of McDonaldization and Disneyization (Alan Bryman).
62 Glocommodification: How the Global Consumes the Local – McDonald's in Israel (Uri Ram).
16 World Culture.
63 World Culture: Origins and Consequences (Frank J. Lechner and John Boli).
64 Norms, Culture, and World Politics: Insights from Sociology's Institutionalism (Martha Finnemore).

Sunday – MARCH 16th  

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