Animals have these advantages over man: they never hear the clock strike, they die without any idea of death, they have no theologians to instruct them, their last moments are not disturbed by unwelcome and unpleasant ceremonies, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits over their wills. Voltaire
Friday, February 24, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
THE ARAB SPRING: A Year that Changed the World Portland State University Saturday, February 25th, 2012 10 AM to 10 PM

Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights
invites you to attend the conference
A Year that Changed the World
Portland State University
Saturday, February 25th, 2012
10 AM to 10 PM
— Registration begins at 9:00 AM —
The events of the Arab Spring have been awesome and inspiring, opening up the possibility of a regional landscape that is almost unfathomably different from what would have been predicted just one year ago. Students United For Palestinian Equal Rights (SUPER, of Portland State University) has organized a wide-ranging conference that is designed to analyze the events of the Arab Spring, its regional and international implications, and its effects on the future of Palestine. The following speakers will be featured:
As'ad AbuKhalil, Professor of Political Science at California State University, speaking on the role(s) of the United States in the Arab Spring;
Deepa Kumar, Associate Professor of Media Studies and Middle East Studies at Rutgers University and author ofIslamophobia and the Politics of Empire, speaking on Islamophobia and the Arab Spring;
Joel Beinin, Professor of History and Middle East History at Stanford University, speaking on workers' rights in the Arab Spring;
Nora Barrows-Friedman, a reporter for the Electronic Intifada as well as correspondent for Al Jazeera, speaking on human rights in Palestine;
William Parry, journalist and photographer, will present his recently published book, Against the Wall: The Art of Resistance in Palestine;
Mokhtar Alkhanshali, Yemeni activist, and Wael Elasady, local activist and co-host of the KBOO radio program "One Land, Many Voices," will be speaking on the revolutions in Yemen and Syria;
Jesse Hagiopan, social justice activist, and Tasha Triplett, PSU student and local activist, will speak about the Black Liberation movement and Palestine.
Light lunch will be served. The speaker portion of the conference will wrap up with an evening plenary panel, "The Challenges and Prospects of the Arab Spring."
The conference will conclude with a Cultural Night Celebration from 7:30 to 10:00 pm in the Smith Memorial Student Union Multicultural Center (room 228).
We hope you will join us for this day of revolutionary learning!
Please visit our facebook page for more information and a detailed schedule.
In solidarity,
Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights (SUPER)
Cosponsored by:
Arab Persian Student Union
International Socialist Organization
Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights
Friends of Sabeel
Jewish Voice for Peace
Portland BDS Coalition
Sociology of Islam
Lutherans for Justice in the Holy Land
Peace Action Committee of the First Unitarian Church
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