Sundown from Kizkulesi

Dear Friends and Visitors,
My homepage will be shown here very soon and you will find some articles and pictures that are related with politics, life and social issues.
Whether you like politics or not, politics has been shaping our life and culture since the begining of human history.
About life, I don't think we can say much, the real meaning of life always fascinates me as well as other scholars. I always question why we are here or what is the meaning of life? Have ever question our existince in this universe, if you have not, I believe that you should start to question, beacuse life in this planet is not just based on economic, cultural and political competition, but it should be based on more tolerance, human freedom, and more importantly freedom of thought.
To social issues, as long as there is a gap between rich and poor, powerless and powerful; there will be the inequality and conflict, that we face today.
If you want to find out more come back soon, but I don't want you to forget Kizkulesi is the place where I was born and that I belong to.
My best wishes to everyone.
tugrul keskin