We have created a mailing list for scholars who may be interested in exchanging academic information related with Islam and Muslim Societies. You will find the information necessary to be a subscriber to this list. This is a scholarly network on Islam and Muslim Societies, which facilitates the academic exchange of information on conferences, panels, articles, books, and events. This network does not promote the orientalist approach toward Islam and Muslim Societies. We believe that Islam is a part and parcel of World civilization and has contributed toward the humanistic value of mankind. However, the last two hundreds years of human history shows us that Muslim Societies have been subject to a colonialist process. This process has transformed Islam from its original meaning and message to that of a reactionary identity. Therefore, today in Muslim Societies we witness poverty, economic inequality, chaotic urbanization, corruption, anti-democratic regimes, gender inequality, and occupations.
The Worldwide Islam Scholars Network promotes C. Wright Mills’ Sociological Imagination perspectives in relation to Islam and Muslim Societies. Within this network of Sociologists, Political Scientists, Religious Studies Scholars, Historians, we will exchange scholarly information on Islam and Muslim societies.
The Sociology of Islam Academic Mailing list at Portland State University is a free professional and academic networking tool to encourage interaction between individuals & organizations involved in Islam/Sociology of Islam/Islamist Movements and related fields worldwide. Members and subscribers are encouraged to dialogue and share resources on books, articles, conferences, teaching, and other related purposes.
The Archive at Virginia Tech
April 2007 – October 2009
April 2014 - Present
The Archive at Portland State University
November 2009 – April 2014
If you want to subscribe to the list, please send me an email.
tugrulk (at) vt.edu
* Country Subscribers
* ------- -----------
* (AC) 1
* Armenia 2
* Australia 29
* Austria 2
* Bangladesh 1
* Belgium 10
* Bosnia and Herzegovina 1
* Botswana 1
* Brazil 2
* Bulgaria 1
* Canada 56
* Chile 2
* Czech Republic 1
* Denmark 14
* (ED) 1
* (EU) 4
* Egypt 1
* Finland 6
* Former 1
* France 27
* Germany 91
* Hungary 3
* India 2
* Ireland 3
* Islamic Republic of Iran 13
* Israel 15
* Italy 20
* Japan 10
* Kenya 1
* Kuwait 1
* Kyrgyzstan 1
* Lebanon 5
* Luxembourg 1
* Malaysia 4
* Mexico 2
* Morocco 3
* Netherlands 33
* New Zealand 2
* Nigeria 3
* Norway 8
* Pakistan 10
* Poland 3
* Qatar 18
* Republic of Korea 2
* Russian Federation 5
* Saudi Arabia 3
* Singapore 3
* South Africa 6
* Spain 32
* Sweden 22
* Switzerland 6
* Turkey 92
* Tanzania 1
* United Arab Emirates 8
* United kingdom 122
* United states 1,558
* Total number of academicians subscribed to the list: 2275
* Total number of countries represented: 56
* Total number of universities represented: 413
1. Please send us informational messages, such as job ads, syllabi, research requests, new books or articles, conference and panel announcements, news and articles related to Sociology of Islam and Muslim Societies.
2. Discussion messages will be approved; however, we will not approve more than one discussion message a day from the same scholar.
3. Total discussion messages will not exceed more than 2 messages a day. We remain mindful of not flooding our members’ email inboxes with ongoing exchanges that are oftentimes limited to a few individuals. We encourage you to continue those discussions; however, please be mindful.
4. One-line or one-sentence messages will not be approved.
5. Please send your congratulations emails directly to intended members.
6. Marketing messages by publishers will be deleted.
7. Messages that contain personal or ad-hominem attacks will not be approved. Such messages constitute a violation of the list serve’s code of ethics.
8. Please remember Sociology of Islam has a right to approve or reject your messages. When you sign up for the list, you accept this rule. This is what distinguishes the list from personal discussion chains.
COPYRIGHT: © 2008 ISSN 1942-7956
1. If you are a subscriber to the Sociology of Islam and Muslim Societies mailing list, you automatically accept the conditions and rules of the mailing list.
2. When you submit an email to the list, you accept the conditions and rules of the mailing list.
3. Please do not forward our list serve messages to third parties. If you do forward our messages to non-member third parties (non-academic community), you will be removed from the list. Our list serve is copyright protected.
4. If you use any information from our mailing list, for your book, article or website, you must cite the Sociology of Islam and Muslim Societies mailing list or you must get permission from the moderators, owner or original author (subscriber).
1. The Sociology of Islam and Muslim Societies Mailing List follows the ASA code of Ethics: http://www.asanet.org/about/ethics.cfm
2. Members who violate this code of ethics will be removed from the list.
The Sociology of Islam subscription is open to anyone who is either a scholar or a student of Sociology of Islam and Muslim Societies. The Sociology of Islam and Muslim Societies Scholarly Network reserves the right not to include and to remove those who appear not to meet this criterion. However, we do not accept subscription request from anonymous email accounts, such as Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo or Gmx (or other); therefore, you should email your subscription request from your university email address with your full name.
Subscribers: The following people can be subscribers to the mailing list:
· Emeritus/ Emeriti faculty with university email addresses
· Full, Associate and Assistant Professors with university email addresses;
· Visiting Assistant Professors with university email addresses;
· Adjunct and Fixed Term Instructors with university email addresses;
· PhD, MA and Undergraduate students with university email addresses;
· Think-Tank scholars with email addresses from their organizations;
· Staff who work at Middle East or Islamic Studies Centers with university email addresses;
· Independent Scholars with university email addresses
Tugrul Keskin
Founder and Moderator of the Sociology of Islam Mailing List
Assistant Professor of International and Middle Eastern Studies
Portland State University
International Studies
East Hall 333
632 SW Hall Street
Portland, OR 97201 - USA
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